Classroom Rules:

As students, you are expected to behave in the following manner:

  • Please be in your assigned seat, prepared to work, before the tardy bell rings.
  • Be respectful and quiet when other students speak and whenever grown folks visit
  • Keep all electronic items out of sight and turned off.
  • Honor the hall pass; go where you say you’re going. NO WANDERING
  • Food and drinks belong outside the room; Room 402 is not a buffet, Holmes!

Students who slip up may face the following sanctions:

  • 1st time- a mean teacher stare with a verbal warning
  • 2nd time- we go into the hall and you are scolded privately/possible loss of privileges
  • 3rd time- a parent/guardian will be notified of your tomfoolery; a conference may be requested
  • 4th time- a discipline referral may be issued

Extremely Bad Behavior Clause

Any student taking part in an act so heinous, so evil, so bad, or so illegal that it disrupts the normal flow of class will immediately be sent to visit with an administrator. There will be no warnings for extremely bad behavior.